Anyway he is super sweet on Valentine's Day and he is always really happy for me and he always says happy birthday on my birthday. Once me, Ellie and G were partners (Then she knew I had a crush on him) and Ellie kept scooching me closer to him. This year he sits two seats away from me and math.
And I loved to run after him at recess but I had no idea why. (Now I think that's because I liked him) Last year, in fourth grade, I started to REALLY like him. In first grade I was enemies is with a girl named Ellie who is now my best friend, and I said SHE had a crush on G. I'm not giving out TMI) Here is the story: Me and G have known each other since Kindergarten. (BTW his name starts with a G so I'll call him G. You guys might think I'm crazy but I don't think this quiz is that accurate.